My Innovative Book-Consultancy

Modern book-Publishing Ideas (MPI) consultancy is a new service harder than the jobs of the previous Publishing Consultants even a few years ago! As the entire planet moves increasingly to screen reading, the Publishing World shifts from the realm of the mass [paper] to the realm of the energy [electricity].
Google already scans millions of print books — and will most likely continue to scan all the print books available to the world in the near future — and their activity is legalized recently in a landmark copyright case on the 14th November 2013. Now the conversion from the mass to energy in the Publishing Universe, is not only happening technically but even legally. This is further revolutionary, as Google now also expands the Internet from the realm of the websites to the realm of the books.
Meanwhile there are other forces in the publishing landscape like the further development of e-books, assisted self-publishing, assisted traditional publishing, co-publishing, and other attempts to find a middle path between the self-publishing & the traditional, and many e-retailers, start-ups & even rising online book-piracy (except in a few countries like Norway with draconian legislation).
Thus in this never-seen-before too sophisticated book industry, as the modern publishing soars to ever SOFTER mediums — paradoxically enough — its guidance required becomes ever HARDER enough! But one thing is clear: without a synthetic guidance, most publishers & self-publishing authors will simply blow themselves away in this absolute *NEW ERA*.
I currently offer this guidance on Publications in BOTH the Global & the Local language i.e.
And I wish I'll be even working for FREE in the first few months. So the "Early Birds" can't have to worry about Money, in order to still get a professional-quality help!
To get 'Professional' Help, e-mail me via the CONTACT section.
And to leave General Comments (e.g. on the Website itself) e-mail me DIRECTLY in the address given here, at the top right corner.♦